Coriolus: No Novel Food!

Take part in our survey to change the legal situation!


** Click here for the survey **

Coriolus versicolor (also known as turkey tail) has been one of the most popular vital mushrooms on the market for at least two decades. When ground, Coriolus versicolor has a well-balanced spectrum of minerals, trace elements and amino acids, and is also a a source of valuable polysaccharides, typical of fungi. 

Despite its popularity, distributors of Coriolus versicolor products have repeatedly been accused that the fungus is an alleged so-called novel food that requires approval. 

Novel foods include foods that were not consumed to a significant degree in the EU before 15 May 1997 and are classified to a precisely defined product group, e.g. mushrooms. There are already numerous references from consumer circles that Coriolus versicolor products as food supplements had been consumed since the early 90s in the EU. Furthermore, Coriolus versicolor products have demonstrably been imported into the EU on a large scale from the USA since the mid-90s and have also been grown in the EU.

Such facts, however, have been ignored or minimized and instead a reference is made to a completely non-binding legal entry of Coriolus versicolor in the EU Novel Food Catalogue, in which it is neither clear how this came into existence at all, let alone based on what (lack of) knowledge. Despite all efforts to encourage the authorities to critically re-examine the entry of Coriolus versicolor in the EU Novel Food Catalogue, taking both existing and submitted evidence into account, so far nothing has happened.

Consequently, the accusation made against distributors of Coriolus versicolor, that an allegedly novel food has been placed on the market, is repeatedly dropped or not pursued. This does not however prevent such reproaches from being taken up again at the next opportunity. This must be stopped now! Even if there is no doubt within the vital mushroom industry that Coriolus versicolor is not a novel food and never was, we want to back this up once again with further facts.

We would be grateful if you would give us 5 minutes of your valuable time and complete the online questionnaire !

Anyone who acquired or consumed Coriolus versicolor before 15 May 1997 or has knowledge of persons and/or companies who imported or acquired Coriolus versicolor for consumption purposes before 15 May 1997 can take part.